home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- AmIRX Abbreviations Script
- Written April 20th, 1998 by Wolfecat of #AmIRC Undernet
- contact via Email or #AmIRC Undernet
- Email: wolfecat@snet.net or danger@ctol.net
- place into your Amirc:rexx/ directory
- do a /alias ab /rx abbr.amirx %p
- usage: /ab <abbreviation>
- ie.
- /ab bbiaf
- */
- options results
- arg cv
- cc=cv
- if cc="AMI" then do;'echo 'cc' = Amiga';a=50;end
- if cc="AFK" then do;'echo 'cc' = Away from keyboard ';a=50;end
- if cc="ADDY" then do;'echo 'cc' = address';a=50;end
- if cc="ASAP" then do;'echo 'cc' = As soon as possible ';a=50;end
- if cc="ATM" then do;'echo 'cc' = At the moment ';a=50;end
- if cc="ATN" then do;'echo 'cc' = Already there now ';a=50;end
- if cc="ACK" then do;'echo 'cc' = Acknowledged ';a=50;end
- if cc="APP" then do;'echo 'cc' = Application ';a=50;end
- if cc="ASL" then do;'echo 'cc' = Age/sex/location check';a=50;end
- if cc="BRB" then do;'echo 'cc' = Be right back ';a=50;end
- if cc="BBIABb" then do;'echo 'cc' = Be back in a bit ';a=50;end
- if cc="BBL" then do;'echo 'cc' = Be back later ';a=50;end
- if cc="BBS" then do;'echo 'cc' = Be back soon ';a=50;end
- if cc="BBIF" then do;'echo 'cc' = Be back in a few ';a=50;end
- if cc="BAK" then do;'echo 'cc' = Back at the keyboard ';a=50;end
- if cc="BF" then do;'echo 'cc' = Boy Friend ';a=50;end
- if cc="BRT" then do;'echo 'cc' = Be right there ';a=50;end
- if cc="BTDT" then do;'echo 'cc' = Been there done that ';a=50;end
- if cc="BTS" then do;'echo 'cc' = Be there soon ';a=50;end
- if cc="BTW" then do;'echo 'cc' = By the way';a=50;end
- if cc="BFN" then do;'echo 'cc' = Bye for now ';a=50;end
- if cc="BBIAH" then do;'echo 'cc' = Be back in an hour ';a=50;end
- if cc="BBIAM" then do;'echo 'cc' = Be back in a minute ';a=50;end
- if cc="BBIAS" then do;'echo 'cc' = Be backin a second ';a=50;end
- if cc="BOL" then do;'echo 'cc' = Bursts out laughing ';a=50;end
- if cc="CYA" then do;'echo 'cc' = See Ya ';a=50;end
- if cc="CTCP" then do;'echo 'cc' = Client to client protocol ';a=50;end
- if cc="CU" then do;'echo 'cc' = See you ';a=50;end
- if cc="CHANOP" then do;'echo 'cc' = Channel operator ';a=50;end
- if cc="DCC" then do;'echo 'cc' = Direct client to client transfer ';a=50;end
- if cc="DL" then do;'echo 'cc' = Download ';a=50;end
- if cc="D/L" then do;'echo 'cc' = Download ';a=50;end
- if cc="EX" then do;'echo 'cc' = ex-wife/gf or ex-husband/bf';a=50;end
- if cc="FWIW" then do;'echo 'cc' = For what its worth ';a=50;end
- if cc="FOAD" then do;'echo 'cc' = F*ck off and die ';a=50;end
- if cc="FX" then do;'echo 'cc' = Effects ';a=50;end
- if cc="FYA" then do;'echo 'cc' = For your amusement ';a=50;end
- if cc="FYI" then do;'echo 'cc' = For your information ';a=50;end
- if cc="FAQ" then do;'echo 'cc' = Frequently asked questions ';a=50;end
- if cc="FLAME" then do;'echo 'cc' = Nasty email or message ';a=50;end
- if cc="FUBAR" then do;'echo 'cc' = f*cked up beyond all repair ';a=50;end
- if cc="FTP" then do;'echo 'cc' = File transfer protocol';a=50;end
- if cc="GF" then do;'echo 'cc' = Girlfriend ';a=50;end
- if cc="GMTA" then do;'echo 'cc' = Great minds think alike ';a=50;end
- if cc="GTSU" then do;'echo 'cc' = Glad to see you ';a=50;end
- if cc="HGTML" then do;'echo 'cc' = Hyper text markup language ';a=50;end
- if cc="HHOJ" then do;'echo 'cc' = Ha ha only joking ';a=50;end
- if cc="HTH" then do;'echo 'cc' = Hope this helps ';a=50;end
- if cc="IMO" then do;'echo 'cc' = In my opinion ';a=50;end
- if cc="IMHO" then do;'echo 'cc' = In my humble opinion ';a=50;end
- if cc="IP" then do;'echo 'cc' = Internet Protocol ';a=50;end
- if cc="IOTFL" then do;'echo 'cc' = Is on the floor laughing ';a=50;end
- if cc="IOW" then do;'echo 'cc' = In other words ';a=50;end
- if cc="IRC" then do;'echo 'cc' = Internet relay chat ';a=50;end
- if cc="IC" then do;'echo 'cc' = I see ';a=50;end
- if cc="ISP" then do;'echo 'cc' = Internet service provider ';a=50;end
- if cc="J/K" then do;'echo 'cc' = Just kidding ';a=50;end
- if cc="JK" then do;'echo 'cc' = Just kidding ';a=50;end
- if cc="JAM" then do;'echo 'cc' = Just a minute ';a=50;end
- if cc="K" then do;'echo 'cc' = ok ';a=50;end
- if cc="KEWL" then do;'echo 'cc' = cool ';a=50;end
- if cc="KOBNR" then do;'echo 'cc' = Kind of but not really ';a=50;end
- if cc="KWIM" then do;'echo 'cc' = Know what i mean? ';a=50;end
- if cc="LOL" then do;'echo 'cc' = Laughing out loud ';a=50;end
- if cc="LAMER" then do;'echo 'cc' = Loser, moron, fool etc. ';a=50;end
- if cc="LMAO" then do;'echo 'cc' = Laughing my ass off ';a=50;end
- if cc="LMK" then do;'echo 'cc' = Let me know ';a=50;end
- if cc="LTNS" then do;'echo 'cc' = long time no see ';a=50;end
- if cc="LD" then do;'echo 'cc' = Long distance ';a=50;end
- if cc="MOM" then do;'echo 'cc' = Just a Moment ';a=50;end
- if cc="MIGGY" then do;'echo 'cc' = Amiga ';a=50;end
- if cc="MOTD" then do;'echo 'cc' = Message of the day ';a=50;end
- if cc="MSG" then do;'echo 'cc' = message ';a=50;end
- if cc="MYOB" then do;'echo 'cc' = Mind your own business ';a=50;end
- if cc="MAC" then do;'echo 'cc' = Apple Macintosh computer ';a=50;end
- if cc="MORF" then do;'echo 'cc' = Male or female? ';a=50;end
- if cc="M8" then do;'echo 'cc' = Mate ';a=50;end
- if cc="MIN" then do;'echo 'cc' = Just a minute ';a=50;end
- if cc="NEWBIE" then do;'echo 'cc' = Someone new to irc ';a=50;end
- if cc="NP" then do;'echo 'cc' = No problem ';a=50;end
- if cc="NOD" then do;'echo 'cc' = Nods head in agreement ';a=50;end
- if cc="NICK" then do;'echo 'cc' = Nick name or alias ';a=50;end
- if cc="NUKE" then do;'echo 'cc' = to use a program to crash someone ';a=50;end
- if cc="OTF" then do;'echo 'cc' = On the floor ';a=50;end
- if cc="OTFLOL" then do;'echo 'cc' = On the floor laughing out loud ';a=50;end
- if cc="OIC" then do;'echo 'cc' = Oh I see ';a=50;end
- if cc="OP" then do;'echo 'cc' = Operator ';a=50;end
- if cc="OS" then do;'echo 'cc' = Operating system ';a=50;end
- if cc="OOH" then do;'echo 'cc' = Out of hand ';a=50;end
- if cc="OTOH" then do;'echo 'cc' = On the other hand ';a=50;end
- if cc="PROGGY" then do;'echo 'cc' = Program ';a=50;end
- if cc="PC" then do;'echo 'cc' = Personal Computer ';a=50;end
- if cc="PITA" then do;'echo 'cc' = Pain in the ass ';a=50;end
- if cc="PPL" then do;'echo 'cc' = People ';a=50;end
- if cc="PRIV" then do;'echo 'cc' = Private ';a=50;end
- if cc="PRIVVY" then do;'echo 'cc' = Privaledged ';a=50;end
- if cc="PD" then do;'echo 'cc' = Public Domain ';a=50;end
- if cc="POV" then do;'echo 'cc' = Point of view ';a=50;end
- if cc="PAH" then do;'echo 'cc' = Bah, bahumbug sorta thing ';a=50;end
- if cc="PEECEE" then do;'echo 'cc' = A Personal Computer that Runs a Microsoft based operating system';a=50;end
- if cc="Q&A" then do;'echo 'cc' = Questions & Answers ';a=50;end
- if cc="ROTFLMOL" then do;'echo 'cc' = Rolling on the floor laughing mad outloud ';a=50;end
- if cc="ROTFLMAO" then do;'echo 'cc' = Rolling on the flloor laughing my ass off ';a=50;end
- if cc="RE" then do;'echo 'cc' = Re-hi , welcome back ';a=50;end
- if cc="RTM" then do;'echo 'cc' = Read the manual ';a=50;end
- if cc="RTFM" then do;'echo 'cc' = Read the f*cking manual ';a=50;end
- if cc="RL" then do;'echo 'cc' = Real life ';a=50;end
- if cc="SOL" then do;'echo 'cc' = Shit out of luck ';a=50;end
- if cc="SPAM" then do;'echo 'cc' = Undesired email/ads in email ';a=50;end
- if cc="SUP" then do;'echo 'cc' = Whats up? ';a=50;end
- if cc="SMAIL" then do;'echo 'cc' = Snail mail(real life postal mail) ';a=50;end
- if cc="TTFB" then do;'echo 'cc' = Ta ta for now ';a=50;end
- if cc="TTYL" then do;'echo 'cc' = Talk to you later ';a=50;end
- if cc="TGIF" then do;'echo 'cc' = Thank god its friday ';a=50;end
- if cc="THX" then do;'echo 'cc' = Thanks ';a=50;end
- if cc="TCP/IP" then do;'echo 'cc' = Transfer control protocol/internet protocol';a=50;end
- if cc="TCPIP" then do;'echo 'cc' = Transfer control protocol/internet protocol';a=50;end
- if cc="UL" then do;'echo 'cc' = Upload ';a=50;end
- if cc="U/L" then do;'echo 'cc' = Upload';a=50;end
- if cc="URL" then do;'echo 'cc' = Web site address ';a=50;end
- if cc="UOK" then do;'echo 'cc' = Are you ok?';a=50;end
- if cc="UOK?" then do;'echo 'cc' = Are you ok?';a=50;end
- if cc="W/" then do;'echo 'cc' = With ';a=50;end
- if cc="W/O" then do;'echo 'cc' = With out ';a=50;end
- if cc="WAREZ" then do;'echo 'cc' = Illegally obtained software ';a=50;end
- if cc="W@REZ" then do;'echo 'cc' = Illegally obtained software';a=50;end
- if cc="W@R3Z" then do;'echo 'cc' = Illegally obtained software';a=50;end
- if cc="WTF" then do;'echo 'cc' = Who/what the f*ck ';a=50;end
- if cc="WTH" then do;'echo 'cc' = What the hell ';a=50;end
- if cc="WTFWT" then do;'echo 'cc' = What/who the f*ck was that? ';a=50;end
- if cc="WTG" then do;'echo 'cc' = Way to go ';a=50;end
- if cc="WTGSA" then do;'echo 'cc' = Way to go smart ass ';a=50;end
- if cc="WYSIWYG" then do;'echo 'cc' = What you see is what you get ';a=50;end
- if cc="WB" then do;'echo 'cc' = Welcome back ';a=50;end
- if cc="WWW" then do;'echo 'cc' = World wide web ';a=50;end
- if cc="2K" then do;'echo 'cc' = Amiga 2000 ';a=50;end
- if cc="4K" then do;'echo 'cc' = Amiga 4000 ';a=50;end
- if cc="3K" then do;'echo 'cc' = Amiga 3000 ';a=50;end
- if cc="1K" then do;'echo 'cc' = Amiga 1000 ';a=50;end
- if a~=50 then do;'echo Sorry, 'cc' not found :( ';end
- exit
- /* End of Program */